Thursday, January 8, 2009

The end of humanity is Near.

This article is currently abandoned.

For the end to come, there needn't be a destructive war. The problem begins when we are stripped of our everyday liberties. Here's what I consider to be the most dangerous problem during our recent times: The State government has begun imposing mandatory classes which dictate how we should think (and how we should act). This proposes a question: what does the future hold for us? It won't be long before the state requires everyone to attend seminars which tell us how to [raise our children], and how to handle our [personal relationships]. To this date, I'm still trying to figure out why noone else has even taken notice. The problem starts out with a few innocent laws, and then keeps on growing. For example: when laws required I.D. to purchase alcohol and tobacco. Soon thereafter, undercover state workers traveled to thousands of stores and attempted prosecuting non-complying store owners. Eventually, the laws become more severe. And, we are now forced to attend behavioral seminars imposed by our employers. Not to mention classes which are racially motivated as well. All in all, the problem really doesn't pertain to any specific issue. These fanatics seek ANY reason to impose their rule upon you.----So, with all considered: why hasn't the mainstream media tackled the problem. They've only fueled the hostility, allowing such problems to persist for decades. With all said and done: I still can't understand why the American people have allowed things to spiral out of control. So, it's now time for everyone to become awakened from your slumber. You must realize: the whole problem can only worsen if it remains unchallenged. And sometime in the future, there will be forced seminars which govern every facet of your lives. That time is coming.